Morocco is officially committed to promote the rights of people with disabilities. There is legislation in place regarding the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities, such as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. But there are few opportunities for people with disabilities to build a life of socio-economic independence. In practice, the needs of people with disabilities – particularly women with disabilities – are not always recognized and they rarely benefit from the appropriate type of support.

Alnour Association is on a mission to change this. As a non-profit Moroccan association with a social vocation, our activities are based in Marrakesh since 2019. The Association aims to provide a set of social services - such as transportation adapted to special needs, health care benefits, and childcare - allowing the women to participate in employment opportunities they would otherwise be excluded from.

Our ambition is to support more women with disabilities in other regions of Morocco, and younger women with disabilities (between 20-30 years old) who can train at Alnour to increase their employment opportunities – using their newly acquired skills as a steppingstone into the labor market.